your thai massage session
30 min: $50
60 min: $95
90 Min: $140
Before you arrive:
- Try to arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time before your Thai Massage session.
- Try not to eat 90 minutes before your Thai Massage session.
- Wear long, loose pants (even in the summer) that allow you to move (no shorts or nylon running pants).
- Bring a sweater or an overshirt for your comfort.
- If possible, download a client information form to fill out and bring with you on your first appointment.
When you Arrive: You can hang up your coat, take off your shoes, use the restroom if you need. We'll sit on the mat for a few minutes where we will talk about your health history, discuss your present situation, your reasons for coming for Thai Massage, and any concerns that you have. I will describe briefly what to expect and we will get right to work.
During the session:
- Settle onto the mat and try to focus on your breathing.
- Feel free to talk or be silent. If a question, comment or insight arises its ok to give it voice.
- Try to be mindful of any desire or tendency toward idle chatter.
- Let go, let go, let go, as much as possible for you, let go. In other words, if I lift your leg and begin moving it, let me do the work; try not to help. The full benefits of Thai Massage are realized when the receiver is fully passive and allows their full range of motion.
After the session: We will take a few moments to check in about the session, and to see how you are feeling. Usually the next appointment is scheduled at that time, and then payment is rendered - Cash, Check, or MasterCard/Visa are accepted. As you leave the Studio:
- Re-enter your day slowly if you can.
- Drink water if you are thirsty.
- Try to be mindful of feelings in the body, as well as thoughts and insights that may arise through the rest of the day.
- Also be aware that there may be sore spots, and in rare cases even slight bruising. Soreness usually dissipates within a day.